Results for 'Ramchandra Narayan Vale'

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    Verbal Composition in Indo-Aryan.Ernest Bender & Ramchandra Narayan Vale - 1949 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 69 (2):106.
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    Der vedische mensch.Ramchandra Narayan Dandekar - 1938 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    Universe in Hindu thought.Ramchandra Narayan Dandekar - 1972 - Bangalore,: Dept. of Publications & Extension Lectures, Bangalore University.
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  4. Working Together Across Difference: Some Considerations on Emotions and Political Practice.Uma Narayan - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (2):31-47.
    Uma Narayan attempts to clarify what the feminist notion of the 'epistemic privilege of the oppressed' does and does not imply. She argues that the fact that oppressed 'insiders' have epistemic privilege regarding their oppression creates problems in dialogue with and coalitionary politics involving 'outsiders' who do not share the oppression, since the latter fail to come to terms with the epistemic privilege of the insiders. She concretely analyzes different ways in which the emotions of insiders can be inadvertantly (...)
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    Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism.Uma Narayan - 1997 - Routledge.
    _Dislocating Cultures_ takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas. Drawing attention to the political forces that have spawned, shaped, and perpetuated these misrepresentations since colonial times, Uma Narayan inspects the underlying problems which "culture" poses for the respect of difference and cross-cultural understanding. Questioning the problematic roles assigned to Third World subjects within multiculturalism, Narayan examines ways in which (...)
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  6. Ādhunika śikshaṇa siddhānta.Ramchandra Vinayakrao Dakshindas - 1963
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    A false lead in the philosophy of language.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1973 - Philosophical Studies 24 (1):38 - 44.
  8. Imperative and Indicative Utterances and the Presuppositions of Communication.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1970
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    I am Thou: meditation on the truth of India.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1984 - Pune, India: I.P.Q. Publications, University of Poona.
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    Injury, harm, damage, pain, etc.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (2):266-269.
  11. Language, tradition, and modern civilization.Ramchandra Gandhi (ed.) - 1983 - Poona, India: I.P.Q. Publications.
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  12. Numbers or Standards? The Dilemma of Higher Education in India.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1982 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 9 (4):405.
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    On meriting death.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (3):337-353.
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    Presuppositions of Human Communication.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1974 - Delhi: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophical analysis, with reference to language.
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  15. Presuppositions of Human Communication.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1977 - Mind 86 (341):148-151.
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    Self-Consciousness.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1974 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 1 (3):167-182.
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    Sītā's kitchen: a testimony of faith and inquiry.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1992 - New Delhi: Wiley Eastern.
    On a structure dedicated to Sita (Hindu deity) in the disputed Babari Masjid (Faizabad, India), with observations on Hindu and Buddhist philosophies, and a suggestion to solve the Ramjanmabhumi-Babari Masjid controversy, by an Indian philosopher.
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    The availability of religious ideas.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1976 - New York: Barnes & Noble.
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    Two essays on Whitehead's philosophic approach.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1973 - Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
    On the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, 1861-1947.
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  20. The svaraj of India.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1984 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 11 (4):461.
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    Whitehead on the Distrust of Speculative Philosophy.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1972 - International Philosophical Quarterly 12 (3):389-414.
  22. What We Do and Say In Saying and Doing Something.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1984 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 11 (2):145.
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  23. Śrịmadjagadguru Ādya Śri Śaṅkarācārya.Ramchandra Govinda Kolangade - 1966
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  24. Pleṭo va tyāce rājakīya vicāra.Ramchandra Ganesh Pradhan - 1930
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    A Constructive Survey of Upanishadic Philosophy, Being a Systematic Introduction to Indian Metaphysics.Ramchandra Dattatraya Ranade - 1926 - Oriental Book Agency.
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    (1 other version)A constructive survey of Upanishadic philosophy.Ramchandra Dattatraya Ranade - 1926 - Poona,: Oriental book agency.
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    Studies in Indian philosophy.Ramchandra Dattatraya Ranade - 1986 - Bombay: Maharashtra State Board for Literature and Culture. Edited by B. R. Kulkarni.
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    The Bhagavadgītā as a philosophy of God-realisation.Ramchandra Dattatraya Ranade - 1965 - Bombay,: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
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    Vedānta: the culmination of Indian thought.Ramchandra Dattatraya Ranade - 1970 - Bombay,: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
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  30. Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial, and Feminist World.Uma Narayan & Sandra Harding (eds.) - 2000 - Indiana University Press.
    The essays in this volume bring to their focuses on philosophical issues the new angles of vision created by the multicultural, global, and postcolonial feminisms that have been developing around us.
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  31. Essence of Culture and a Sense of History: A Feminist Critique of Cultural Essentialism.Uma Narayan - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (2):86 - 106.
    Drawing parallels between gender essentialism and cultural essentialism, I point to some common features of essentialist pictures of culture. I argue that cultural essentialism is detrimental to feminist agendas and suggest strategies for its avoidance. Contending that some forms of cultural relativism buy into essentialist notions of culture, I argue that postcolonial feminists need to be cautious about essentialist contrasts between "Western" and "Third World" cultures.
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  32. The project of feminist epistemology: Perspectives from a nonwestern feminist.Uma Narayan - 1989 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Susan Bordo, Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. pp. 256--69.
  33. Colonialism and Its Others: Considerations On Rights and Care Discourses.Uma Narayan - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):133-140.
    I point to a colonial care discourse that enabled colonizers to define themselves in relationship to "inferior" colonized subjects. The colonized, however, had very different accounts of this relationship. While contemporary care discourse correctly insists on acknowledging human needs and relationships, it needs to worry about who defines these often contested terms. I conclude that improvements along dimensions of care and of justice often provide "enabling conditions" for each other.
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    [Poems].Uma Narayan - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (2):101 - 106.
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    Huey P. Newton’s Intercommunalism: An Unacknowledged Theory of Empire.John Narayan - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (3):57-85.
    Huey P. Newton remains one the left’s intellectual enigmas. Although lauded for being the leader of the Black Panther Party, Newton is relatively unacknowledged as an intellectual. This article challenges the neglect of Newton’s thought by shedding light on his theory of empire, and the present-day value of returning to his thought. The article centres on how Newton’s critique of what he called ‘reactionary intercommunalism’ prefigures many of the elements found in the work of Hardt and Negri on empire. This (...)
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  36. Contesting cultures:'Westernization,'respect for cultures, and third-world feminists.Uma Narayan - 1997 - In Linda J. Nicholson, The second wave: a reader in feminist theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 396--414.
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  37. “Male-Order” Brides: Immigrant Women, Domestic Violence and Immigration Law.Uma Narayan - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (1):104 - 119.
    This essay analyzes why women whose immigration status is dependent on their marriage face higher risks of domestic violence than women who are citizens and explores the factors that collude to prevent acknowledgment of their greater susceptibility to battering. It criticizes elements of current U.S. immigration policy that are detrimental to the welfare of battered immigrant women, and argues for changes that would make immigration policy more sensitive to their plight.
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    Undoing the 'Package Picture' of Cultures.Uma Narayan - 2004 - Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 25 (4):1083-1086.
    Many feminists of color have demonstrated the need to take into account differences among women to avoid hegemonic gender-essentialist analyses that represent the problems and interests of privileged women as paradigmatic. As feminist agendas become global, there is growing feminist concern to consider national and cultural differences among women. However, in attempting to take seriously these cultural differences, many feminists risk replacing gender-essentialist analyses with culturally essentialist analyses that replicate problematic colonialist notions about the cultural differences between "Western culture" and (...)
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  39. Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism. [REVIEW]Uma Narayan - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (2):102-106.
    Dislocating Cultures takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas.
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    Altered Cerebellar White Matter in Sensory Processing Dysfunction Is Associated With Impaired Multisensory Integration and Attention.Anisha Narayan, Mikaela A. Rowe, Eva M. Palacios, Jamie Wren-Jarvis, Ioanna Bourla, Molly Gerdes, Annie Brandes-Aitken, Shivani S. Desai, Elysa J. Marco & Pratik Mukherjee - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Sensory processing dysfunction is characterized by a behaviorally observed difference in the response to sensory information from the environment. While the cerebellum is involved in normal sensory processing, it has not yet been examined in SPD. Diffusion tensor imaging scans of children with SPD and typically developing controls were compared for fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, radial diffusivity, and axial diffusivity across the following cerebellar tracts: the middle cerebellar peduncles, superior cerebellar peduncles, and cerebral peduncles. Compared to TDC, children with SPD (...)
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    Words Get in the Way: Linguistic Effects on Talker Discrimination.Chandan R. Narayan, Lorinda Mak & Ellen Bialystok - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (5):1361-1376.
    A speech perception experiment provides evidence that the linguistic relationship between words affects the discrimination of their talkers. Listeners discriminated two talkers' voices with various linguistic relationships between their spoken words. Listeners were asked whether two words were spoken by the same person or not. Word pairs varied with respect to the linguistic relationship between the component words, forming either: phonological rhymes, lexical compounds, reversed compounds, or unrelated pairs. The degree of linguistic relationship between the words affected talker discrimination in (...)
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    Sisterhood and "Doing Good": Asymmetries of Western Feminist Location, Access and Orbits of Concern.Uma Narayan - 2019 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (2).
    There are a variety of discourses and practices that position Western feminists as people who have a moral and political obligation to concern themselves with the welfare, suffering, or empowerment of non-Western subjects, often women, and intervene to “do good” on their behalf. Conversely, there are virtually no discourses and practices that assign moral and political obligations to non-Western feminists to intervene in matters involving the welfare or suffering of Western subjects, including women. A central goal of my paper is (...)
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    Birds on a Branch: Girlfriends and Wedding Songs in Kangra.Kirin Narayan - 1986 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 14 (1):47-75.
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    Having and Raising Children: Unconventional Families, Hard Choices, and the Social Good.Uma Narayan & Julia J. Bartkowiak (eds.) - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    As the term "family values" achieves prominence in the rhetoric of political debate, the social issues at the heart of today's political controversies deserve to be studied in depth. This volume brings together a group of philosophers, political scientists, and legal scholars to explore a wide range of specific topics dealing with the legal, ethical, and political dimensions of familial relationships. Topics addressed include the rights of unwed fathers, the nature of children's autonomy, children's rights to divorce their parents, parental (...)
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  45. Bhāratīẏa darśane Sāṃkhya-yogadarśana-pramāṇatattva.Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyay - 1988 - Kalikātā: Bijana Pābaliśārsa.
    On the tenets of Sankhya philosophy in the light of Vijnanabhiksu's bhāṣya and Yoga varttika.
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  46. California State University, Northridge.Narayan Champawat - 1995 - In S. Radhakrishnan, Rama Rao Pappu & S. S., New essays in the philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications. pp. 6--163.
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    Indian philosophy: its exposition in the light of Vijñānabhikṣu's bhāṣya and Yogavārittika: a modern approach.Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyay - 1979 - Calcutta: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
    On the sāṅkhya and yoga systems of Indian philosophy as interpreted by Vijñānabhikṣu, fl. 1545-1550, in his Sāṅkhyapravac̣anabhāṣya and Yogavārttika.
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    Metaphysics truth and materialism.Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyay - 1999 - Calcutta: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
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    Yukti, darśana, o manana.Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyay - 1987 - Kalikātā: Bijana Pābaliśarsa.
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  50. Śāstrīya tattvajñāna.Narayan Desai - 1962
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